Casuarina equisetifolia
Common Name: Cemara udang
Budi Sulistyo | Indonesia
Designed by Budi Sulistyo
Height: 91 cm
Container: A rectangular - ceramic - Chinese pot
Wrightia religiosa
Common Name: Water jasmine
Carlos Morales | Puerto Rico
Designed by Carlos Morales
Height: 12cm
Danilo Scursatone | Italy
Designed by Danilo Scursatone
Style: Forest
Height: 80 cm
Container: Sandstone slab
About the tree: Featured article in Q4-2014 Bonsai & Stone Appreciation magazine.
Lantana camara
Ed Trout | USA
Designed by Ed Trout
Height: 92 cm
Container: Chinese
Enrique Castano | Mexico
Designed by Enrique Castano
Style: Driftwood
Height: 89cm
Container: Korean Pot
About the tree: The buttonwood, was collected by Enrique in 2009, in 2015 it was finally put into a bonsai container to start the development as a bonsai. This tree has seen many hurricanes over the years and has a an interesting movement that divides the tree in two sections.
Dwarf Black Olive
Enrique Castano | Mexico
Designed by Enrique Castano
Style: informal Upright
Height: 85cm
Container: Mexican Pot
About the tree: The bucida was collected in 2008 by Enrique and has been slowly developed to reduce the rootmass and allow the health of the tree to be ready for bonsai refiment. Currently, the tree has a natural spiral and a very dramatic movement that only nature can create.
Tamarindus indica
Herden Pedrajas | Philippines
Designed by Herden Pedrajas
Style: Informal Upright (Moyogi)
Height: 65 cm
Container: Japanese pot given as a gift by my godfather Vic Ceballos
Crassus Ovata
Common Name: Jade/ Money Plant
James Low | Australia
Designed by James Low
Height: 110 cm
Ficus tigerbark
Jose O Rivera | Puerto Rico
Designed by Jose O Rivera
Style: Formal Upright
Height: 73 cm
Container: Chinese
About the tree: This ficus was worked for the first time at the BCI98 convention in Puerto Rico. He has currently gone through several changes in the process during these 21 years of training
Cupressus sempervirens
Common Name: Cipresso
Marco Tarozzo | Italy
Designed by Marco Tarozzo
Height: 88 cm
Juniperus Phoenicea
Common Name: Ginepro Fenicio
Marco Tarozzo | Italy
Designed by Marco Tarozzo
Height: 75 cm
Juniperus Phoenicea
Common Name: Ginepro Fenicio
Marco Tarozzo | Italy
Designed by Marco Tarozzo
Height: 75 cm
Eucalyptus Nicholii
Peter Hanrahan | Australia
Designed by Peter Hanrahan
Style: Natural Eucalyptus
Height: 900cm
Container: By Australian potter Pat Kennedy
Melaleuca Styphelioides
Common Name: Prickly leaf paperbark
Rhett Hook | Australia
Designed by Rhett Hook
Height: 72 cm
During autumn some of the native paperbark trees provide an interesting view of twisted whiteish branches weeping down within the reduced green foliage .
This bonsai is being styled to reflect this view, requiring foliage be left on the tree and exposing twisted weeping branches.
The tree has won awards at club shows over the last 7 years and was awarded a BCI medal in November 2019.
This tree has leaves that have reduced in size down to 6mm long which can be finger pinched out easily when new.
Japanese White Pine
Roger Snipes | USA
Designed by Roger Snipes
Style: Informal Upright
Height: 68 cm
Container: Modern Chinese
Sebastiano Villante | Italy, Sicily
Designed by Sebastiano Villante
Style: Prostato
Height: 68cm
Container: Japan Tokoname
Olea oleaster
Sebastiano Villante | Italy, Sicily
Designed by Sebastiano Villante
Style: Inclinato
Height: 82cm
Container: Cina
Olea oleaster
Sebastiano Villante | Italy, Sicily
Designed by Giovanni Mugnas
Style: Kengai
Height: 60cm
Container: Japan tokoname
Sebastiano Villante | Italy, Sicily
Designed by Sebastiano Villante
Style: Shakan
Height: 70cm
Container: Tokoname Japan
Bantigue Tree
Susan Lee | Philippines
Designed by Bernabe Millares
Style: informal Upright
Height: 100 cm
Container: Zisha Pot made by Master Gong Lin Min
About the tree: This tree is designed and maintained by Master Bernabe Millares, who is one of the Five Outstanding Bonsai Artists of the Philippines 2017. The materials was found in Fuga Island, an island North of Luzon in the Philippines and it has been trained in the pot for 11 years. It has won several awards on different exhibitions and recently won the ASPAC bonsai award at the Asian Bonsai and Suiseki Summit 2019 held in the Philippines.
Bantigue Tree
Susan Lee | Philippines
Designed by Bernabe Millares
Style: informal Upright
Height: 90 cm
Container: Made by Master Gong Lin Min
Juniperus Virginiana
Tobie Kleynhans | South Africa
Designed by Tobie Kleynhans
Style: Forest planting
Height: 1010 cm
Container: Container imported from China
Bougainvillea glabra
Common Name: Bougainvillea
Tony Bebb | Australia
Designed by Tony Bebb
Height: 40 cm
The house is now gone, but there are still bougainvillea planted in a rectangle at the site.
It has been under development as a Bonsai by me since 1987. In 2016 all branches were removed as the tree had become too large and had lost its powerful trunk proportion. Always many years to go.
Pinus uncinata
Common Name: Mountain Pine
Václav Novák | Czechia
Designed by Vaclav Novak
Height: 85 cm
This Pinus uncinata, I collected myself in my country Czech republic. Pinus uncinata grow in peat bog in moutains 800 meters above sea level. It was in1998. In 2004 I shaped Pinus during my bonsai club exhibition. 2007 I planted to final pot from China.I exhibited this tree at all major exhibitions over Europe.
Ficus Nerifolia
Common Name: Willow Leaf fig
Vincent Manzano Ferrer | Philippines
Designed by Vincent Manzano Ferrer
Height: 90 cm
Zoe Nady | Double Flowering Pomegranate
Zoe Nady | USA
Designed by Zoe Nady
Style: Formal Upright
Height: 13 in
Container: Chinese
About the tree: This tree started its bonsai transformation in 1999 as a two gallon nursery offering, approximate age 10 years. I bought it at Teas Nursery in Houston, Texas. (John Teas, owner of said nursery, famously ( or infamously) had introduced the Chinese Tallow tree into the United States several decades before, and much to the chagrin of the Texas Department of Agriculture, it rapidly metastasized throughout the region and was officially declared an invasive species!) Estimated age of the pomegranate is 30 years, and it has been in training as a bonsai for the past 20 years. Trunk caliper one inch above the soil line is 21/2", height above the soil line is 13", and the canopy is 15" across.