In the enchanting embrace of September, as the delicate fragrance of osmanthus permeates the air, a spectacular celebration unfolded in the heart of Shuyang, Jiangsu Province – the revered birthplace of Chinese bonsai and flowers. On September 29, 2023, the curtains rose on the grandeur of the “2023 International Bonsai Convention Annual Main Exhibition,” an event meticulously orchestrated by Bonsai Clubs International (BCI) and the People’s Government of Shuyang County.
The exhibition, which concluded its awe-inspiring showcase on October 6, bore witness to the vibrant collaboration of bonsai enthusiasts and organizations from across China. With over 1,360 masterfully crafted bonsai specimens and international bonsai photographs, this gathering epitomized the essence of Chinese bonsai philosophy rooted in the harmonious interplay of nature and culture. Each miniature masterpiece, resonating with the poetic sentiments of Chinese culture, served as a living testament to the profound aesthetic concepts and emotional depth intrinsic to the Chinese nation. Described as a “three-dimensional painting” and a “silent poem,” Chinese bonsai captures the intricate fusion of nature and cultural heritage within its diminutive forms, offering a mesmerizing glimpse into a world that unfolds within mere inches.
By Oscar Ng, China
Photos courtesy BCI China, Min Hsuan Lo, Budi Sulistyo, Lindsay Bebb and Susan Lee.
Read the full article in Bonsai & Stone Appreciation Q1-2024
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