BCI 2014 - Sunrise on Australian Bonsai

BCI 2014 August21-24

 Sunrise on Australian Bonsai
     Queensland, Australia
 Sunrise on Australian Bonsai turned out to be the largest bonsai convention ever conducted in Australia and the largest BCI Convention in recent times with 402 people from 16 different countries registering for convention activities.Check out the Photo Galleries from the Annual Board Meeting, Exhibits, Events,Ceremonies, and Tours on the BCI 2014 Conference, sponsored by BCI andhosted by the Association of Australian Bonsai Clubs (AABC).
Photos courtesy Lindsay Bebb, Budi Sulistyo, Gudrun Benz and Tom Elias.


Bonsai Exhibit

Bonsai Exhibit
Acacia Howitii
Ficus Obliqua
Clerodendrum Inerme
BCI Excellence Award
Azalea Saotome
Bonsai Display
Taxodium Disticum
Bronze Paper BarkSlide Ten
Bougainvillea Miniature
Juniperus Squamata
Celtis Sinensis
Leptospermum Laevigatum
Himalaayan Cedar
Acer buergerianum
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Bonsai Exhibit
Bonsai Exhibit
Sunshine Coast - BCI 2014
Also called black pine, Japanese black pine, and Japanese pine.
Acacia Howitii
Acacia Howitii
Also known as sticky wattle, endemic to Victoria, Australia
Ficus Obliqua
Ficus Obliqua
Commonly known as the small-leaved fig
Clerodendrum Inerme
Clerodendrum Inerme
Clerodendrum species are trees, erect or rambling shrubs.
BCI Excellence Award
BCI Excellence Award
Awarded to Carole Waller for her Pinus canariensis
Azalea Saotome
Azalea Saotome
The Kurume hybrid azaleas of Japan
Bonsai Display
Bonsai Display
Over 100 Bonsai were displayed
Taxodium Disticum
Taxodium Disticum
Deciduous conifer that grows in the Southeastern & Gulf Coastal Plains of the United States.
Bronze Paper BarkSlide Ten
Bronze Paper BarkSlide Ten
Lovely medium-sized deciduous tree native to northern North America.
Bougainvillea Miniature
Bougainvillea Miniature
thorny ornamental vines, bushes, and trees with flower-like spring leaves near its flowers.
Juniperus Squamata
Juniperus Squamata
Prostrata, evergreen native to the Himalayas & mountains of C. Asia
Celtis Sinensis
Celtis Sinensis
Species in the hemp family, Cannabaceae,native to East Asia
Leptospermum Laevigatum
Leptospermum Laevigatum
Also calledl tea tree, is a woody shrub or small tree native to eastern Australia.
Himalaayan Cedar
Himalaayan Cedar
Species of cedar native to the western Himalayas
Acer buergerianum
Acer buergerianum
Trident Maple is a species of maple native to eastern China, Taiwan and Japan.
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Viewing Stone Exhibit

Viewing Stone Exhibit
Chrysanthemum Stone Japan
Dragon Fengli Xinjiang
Ligurian Mountain Stone | Italy
Lingbi Object Stone | China
Mountain Stone | China
Mountain Stone Japan
Petrified Wood | Queensland Australia
Picture Stone | USA
Seahorse Object Stone | Victoria, Australia
Thinker Black Pearl Object | Guangxi
Tortoises Pattern Stone | China
Waterfall Stone Hokkaido
Waterpool Stone | China
Wujiang Plateau Stone | China
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Viewing Stone Exhibit
Viewing Stone Exhibit
Sunshine Coast - BCI 2014
Chrysanthemum Stone Japan
Chrysanthemum Stone Japan
Dragon Fengli Xinjiang
Dragon Fengli Xinjiang
Ligurian Mountain Stone | Italy
Ligurian Mountain Stone | Italy
Lingbi Object Stone | China
Lingbi Object Stone | China
Mountain Stone | China
Mountain Stone | China
Mountain Stone Japan
Mountain Stone Japan
Petrified Wood | Queensland Australia
Petrified Wood | Queensland Australia
Picture Stone | USA
Picture Stone | USA
Seahorse Object Stone | Victoria, Australia
Seahorse Object Stone | Victoria, Australia
Thinker Black Pearl Object | Guangxi
Thinker Black Pearl Object | Guangxi
Prostrata, evergreen native to the Himalayas & mountains of C. Asia
Tortoises Pattern Stone | China
Tortoises Pattern Stone | China
Waterfall Stone Hokkaido
Waterfall Stone Hokkaido
Waterpool Stone | China
Waterpool Stone | China
Wujiang Plateau Stone | China
Wujiang Plateau Stone | China
Trident Maple is a species of maple native to eastern China, Taiwan and Japan.
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