Register for BCI’s
International Bonsai and Viewing Stone
Instructors/Teachers Guide
The objective of this guide is to provide BCI Member Clubs with a list of qualified instructors and teachers, who can demonstrate, lead workshops, deliver lectures, and adjudicate competitions on bonsai, viewing stones and related arts.
Please read the guidelines below and if you qualify, click on the link to the Application Form (must be logged in) and we will be pleased to review your application.
A BCI Panel of five will review the information you provide and will confirm your acceptance if you meet the criteria. Instructors and Teachers that do not meet the criteria will not be notified. Please allow 60 days to process your request.
Guidelines for BCI International Bonsai and Viewing Stone Instructors/Teachers listing on the website.
Must be a BCI Individual member for two years or pay two years membership in advance.
Have conducted at least 3 solo demonstrations, internationally.
Willing to be recommended to demonstrate or lecture at BCI conventions.
Willing to author one technical article for BCI magazine each year, complete with photos or illustrations.
Please provide:
A biography or CV, describing experience with bonsai or viewing stones, affiliations with clubs, societies, federations and other organizations and positions held.
A list of National or International Events, at which you have demonstrated, lectured or led workshops.
Optional and if applicable, please provide a list of published articles, and books along with where published.
Bonsai: BCI may ask you to submit before and after photos of at least five demonstrations. Informal or Documentary-quality photos are acceptable.
Stones: BCI may ask you to submit a few stones from your collection.
Must be logged in to submit your application!