Tree of the Month Archive


Ficus pedunculosa

A song of  spring!

Min Hsuan Lo, BCI Director, Taiwan

Designed by Min Hsuan Lo, BCI Director, Taiwan
Style: Slanting style
Height: 92 cm/36 inches
Container: Japanese



This is one of my best, newest creations, my dream since the last century, opening another window from traditional sense!
I tried to fuse different characters of line together in one composition, straight and twist, with a focus on twist.  
Straight line like the Sun, or man, Twist line like the moon, or woman. This works exposes more twisting lines, feminine like a Lady.
Initially I wanted to bring out all the feelings that an artist has deep in his heart, include me. However, the composition is made possible by countless elements, education, calligraphy, painting, experience…