Tree of the Month Archive

Japanese Wisteria

Japanese Wisteria, Wisteria floribunda

Tobie Kleynhans Collection, South Africa


This Wisteria  was purchased from a bonsai nursery in 2002. The tree was in quite a sorry state, but as this was the only Wisteria for sale at the time and I had to take whatever was on offer.

It was planted at an angle as a semi cascade in a small garden center pot.
The tree was flowering at the time and the impressive purple flowers and interesting nebari concluded the deal.
Photographed in Spring 2015.





After the first styling in late autumn 2003. The tree was pruned, wired and planted at a new angle in a big training pot.


 Summer 2005  

tom 10-16 wisteria-03

Spring 2007 

tom 10-16 wisteria-04


Spring 2008

 tom 10-16 wisteria-05

Summer 2009



Spring 2010




Spring 2012




Late autumn 2013. After defoliation, but with the pods left on the tree. After the photograph was taken, the pods were removed as they drain a lot of energy from the tree.