Started seriously collecting suiseki in 1998 on hunting trip in Puerto Rico
I went on my first organized Suiseki Hunt in Puerto Rico in 1998 and have been a serious collector of Suiseki and Viewing Stones since that time.
I much prefer stones that are all natural and uncut and I make my own daiza for them. Collecting stones is a favourite pastime.
I have been a judge of viewing stones at exhibitions at bonsai and stone conventions in China, Italy, USA, India, Philippines, France and Taiwan.
I have given stone presentations in India, USA and Australia and written viewing stone articles for a variety of local and international magazines.
My elected positions are President of World Bonsai Friendship Federation (WBFF), President of the View Stone Association of Australia (VSAA) and about 10 years ago I was appointed as Vice-Chairman of Honor of the View Stone Association of China and given my Certificate Of Honor in Yangzhou in 2013.